
We used human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) cultures to investigate in vitro the antiproliferative effects of suramin and of its analogue, Eriochrome Black T. The cell cycle phases of interest were characterised with specific immune sera raised against cyclin D 1, cyclin E and proliferating nuclear cell antigen (PCNA). Simultaneous detection of two cell cycle markers was ensured by double colour immunofluorescence. Both compounds inhibited the endothelial cell growth while Eriochrome Black T was more potent than suramin. Suramin induced HUVEC to accumulate in G1-phase as an increase of the number of cells expressing both cyclin D 1 and PCNA was observed. Eriochrome Black T preferentially blocked them in the early S-phase, as it increased the proportion of cyclin E positive cells. These results suggest that in addition of its more potent antiproliferative effect on endothelial cell growth, Eriochrome Black T acts at another molecular level than suramin.

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