
This chapter will take a closer look at the COVID-19 pandemic and its underlying effects on human development in relation to Erik Erikson's psychosocial stages of development. Erikson developed his eight stages of psychosocial development in 1950, and they have been used as development benchmarks ever since. The authors look at trust vs. mistrust and the inability of some parents to adequately care for their children in the current climate, followed by autonomy vs. shame and doubt and the lack of independence children may have been able to experience. Thirdly is initiative vs. guilt and the inability children had to develop curiosity about the world. The final stage of childhood, industry vs. inferiority, has been affected by the restriction of social interaction. The fifth stage is identity vs. role confusion, which is a time that has been plagued by an onset of increased substance use and abuse. We then see the first stage of adulthood, intimacy and solidarity vs. isolation, in which many have been unable to marry or start families. This continues into middle adulthood, generativity vs. self-absorption or stagnation, during which many have been either unable to start a family or have suddenly been unable to care for their families. The final stage in late adulthood, integrity vs. despair, has been impacted by isolated seniors forced into retirement or isolation in homes. Despite each developmental stage being affected by this pandemic, the authors are hopeful that by educating ourselves about our own development and our immediate environments, we will be able to nurture its continuing growth.

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