
The United States is a country built by immigrants, and its de velopment and history continue to be in fluenced by immigration. This topic is therefore usually covered in U.S. history courses. In geography, the themes of human movement requires the study of immigration. Textbooks, however, do not always provide enough information on the topic, creating a need for supple mentary materials. U.S. history and geography teachers can locate supple mentary resources on teaching about immigration by turning to the bibliographic database of the ERIC (Educational Re sources Information Center) system. The resources listed below are supplemen tary materials listed in ERIC's database. Materials noted in this column that are preceded by an ED number are known as ERIC documents and are an notated monthly in RIE (Resources in Education), available in many libraries throughout the country. Documents may be purchased from the EDRS (ERIC Document Reproduction Services), 3900 Wheeler Ave., Alexandria, VA 22304 6409, in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC). Check, money order, Master Card and Visa are all accepted. EDRS also provides a toll free number (1-800 227-3742) for customer service and phone orders. Entries preceded by an EJ number are journal articles which are annotated monthly in CUE (Current Index to Jour nals in Education), available in many li braries. EJ articles are not available through EDRS; however, they may be located in the journal section of most libraries by using the bibliographic infor mation provided in each annotation. Additional resources on teaching about immigration, as well on as other social studies topics, can be found by searching the monthly RIE and CUE indexes, or by searching the ERIC data base on CD-ROM or online. These in dexes, CD-ROMs, and online search serv ices are available at libraries throughout the country. These libraries also may have complete microfiche collections of ERIC documents available for viewing.

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