
The article is devoted to studying the mentality presentation of the residents of Uman city, Cherkasy region in the city ergonymicon. In particular, the attention is paid to the fact that ergonyms are not only the result of an entity’s activity, a component of a language and speech; they are also important markers whose usage is conscious and planned. They are the carriers of extra-lingual information: socio-political, historical, culturological, etc. Different definitions of the concept «ergonym» were analyzed. In this paper ergonym is used for the names of companies, institutions, organizations, firms and others which provide various services.It is to be stated that language, among other factors which define conscience, establish stereotype of thinking, plays the most important role in the formation of national mentality. Vocabulary of ethnos confirms the peculiarities of its mentality and the essence of moral culture. The major mentality features of the Ukrainians are individualism, emotionality, religiousness. It has been found out that Uman residents are characterized with general Ukrainian mental features which are seen in the city ergonymicon of the second decade of XXI century, namely, individualism and family values of the city residents are presented with ergonyms, expressed by female and male anthroponyms, last names, abbreviations, derivatives from the names of family members. As a rule, anthroponyms denote organizations, firms, institutions whose names point to the owner (he or she), the owners’ daughter. Uman residents, as well as all the Ukrainians in general, have disposition to idealize own history, personal national qualities which are expressed in ergonyms, which include common Ukrainian and regional hydronyms, names of some districts and parts of the city, historical regional anthroponyms, the name of the city. Emotionality, as a feature of all-Ukrainian mentality, is complemented with propensity to idealize the world, to perceive the truth with some elements of fantasy, depicted in ergonyms, which include lexemes with abstract meanings, diminutives, names of mythological and fairy-tale characters.In recent years a great number of representatives with affixoids euro-, -best has been recorded which proves such feature of Uman residents as adoration of the things which are foreign. Besides, the number of ergonyms of foreign origin has increased, a lot of names are expressed in Latin partially or totally, all this proves speech intuition of the owners of organizations, firms, institutions which provide various services.

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