
The objective was to analyze the work activity and identify risk factors that could account for musculoskeletal disorders in the upper extremities, shoulder and neck of workers of a transport values company in Venezuela. The methods used were: collective interview, tasks observation, evaluation of posture with RULA method and evaluation of repetitive motions with the OCRA method. Five workstations were evaluated. Main problem perceived by workers was: exposure to chemical and biological hazards when handling paper money and coins; inadequate chairs and close supervision. The postures level risk was 1 or 2 for the RULA scale. Only two workstations showed ligth and medium risk level by OCRA method. The factors identified that could explain the musculoskeletal changes were: wrist repetitive flexion and extension, shoulder elevation, lifting weight above shoulder height, elbow repetitive flexion and extension, neck flexion, extended work journey, work overload, high responsibility and strict supervision by a video camera.

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