
Neurocysticercosis due to Taenia solium is an important cause of human morbidity and mortality, particularly in Latin America and parts of Africa and Asia. The disease has been recognised as potentially eradicable. Emphasis has been placed on control of the parasite through mass chemotherapy of human populations to remove tapeworm carriers. This strategy does not control the source of tapeworm infections, cysticercosis in pigs, and parasite transmission may continue due to incomplete chemotherapy coverage of human tapeworm carriers or because of immigration of tapeworm carriers into control areas. Exceptionally effective, practical vaccines have been developed against cysticercosis in sheep and cattle and a recent trial has proved recombinant antigens to be effective against Taenia solium cysticercosis in pigs. A new strategy for eradication of Taenia solium is proposed, based principally on a combined approach of chemotherapy of human tapeworm carriers and vaccination of all pigs at risk of infection.

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