
As a developing country, South Africa relies on electricity as the most critical amenity needed for development. KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) is one of the nine provinces in South Africa that faces an energy supply challenge. KZN is also the warmest province among them all due to its location. As one of the warmest provinces, solar power could be utilised to assist in dealing with the energy crisis. This paper focuses on the cost uncertainties attributed to the implementation of solar power which will assist in meeting the demand of energy in the region. The unsustainability of energy has led to a near collapse of the region’s economy. This study also contributes to improving the scientific implementation of solar power in the region to deal with the unsustainability criteria observed. The employment of Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) revealed solar power as one of the most reliable renewable energies for planned implementation bases. With the development of the Economical, Methodological and Environmental (EME) strategic framework which addresses all social cohesion of solar power, the early turn around has been seen through the use of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) in the region of KZN.

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