
Four invariant chain (Ii) isoforms assist the folding and trafficking of human MHC class II (MHCIIs). The main isoforms, Iip33 and Iip35, assemble in the ER into homo- and/or hetero-trimers. The sequential binding of up to three MHCII αβ heterodimers to Ii trimers results in the formation of pentamers, heptamers and nonamers. MHCIIs are required to overcome the p35-encoded di-arginine (RxR) ER retention motif and to allow anterograde trafficking of the complex. Here, we show that inactivation of the RxR motif requires a direct cis interaction between p35 and the MHCII, precluding ER egress of some unsaturated Ii trimers. Interestingly, as opposed to MHCII/p33 complexes, those including p35 remained in the ER when co-expressed with the NleA protein of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli. Taken together, our results demonstrate that p35 influences distinctively MHCII/Ii assembly and trafficking.

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