
Abstract We introduce and study the continuous Rokhlin property for actions of compact groups on $C^*$-algebras. An important technical result is a characterization of the continuous Rokhlin property in terms of asymptotic retracts. As a consequence, we derive strong $KK$-theoretical obstructions to the continuous Rokhlin property. Using these, we show that the Universal Coefficient Theorem (UCT) is preserved under formation of crossed products and passage to fixed point algebras by such actions, even in the absence of nuclearity. Our analysis of the $KK$-theory of the crossed product allows us to prove a ${{\mathbb {T}}}$-equivariant version of Kirchberg–Phillips: two circle actions with the continuous Rokhlin property on Kirchberg algebras are conjugate whenever they are $KK^{{{\mathbb {T}}}}$-equivalent. In the presence of the UCT, this is equivalent to having isomorphic equivariant $K$-theory. We moreover characterize the $KK^{{{\mathbb {T}}}}$-theoretical invariants that arise in this way. Finally, we identify a $KK^{{{\mathbb {T}}}}$-theoretic obstruction to the continuous property, which is shown to be the only obstruction in the setting of Kirchberg algebras. We show by means of explicit examples that the Rokhlin property is strictly weaker than the continuous Rokhlin property.

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