
We prove an explicit closed formula, written as a sum of Pfaffians, which describes each equivariant Schubert class for the Grassmannian of isotropic subspaces in a symplectic vector space On démontre une formule close explicite, écrite comme une somme de Pfaffiens, qui décrit toute classe de Schubert équivariante pour la Grassmannienne des sous-espaces isotropes dans un espace vectoriel symplectique.


  • The classical Giambelli formula expresses a general Schubert class of the Grassmannian as the determinant of a matrix whose entries are the so-called special Schubert classes

  • The Giambelli problem consists in finding a “closed formula” for a Schubert class in terms of those special classes, and in the torus equivariant setting it is closely related to the theory of degeneracy loci of vector bundles

  • For the symplectic or orthogonal Grassmannians, there is a natural notion of special Schubert classes, which takes into account the isotropic conditions arising from the symplectic or orthogonal form

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The classical Giambelli formula expresses a general Schubert class of the Grassmannian as the determinant of a matrix whose entries are the so-called special Schubert classes. For the non-maximal isotropic Grassmannians, an answer to the (non-equivariant) Giambelli problem was given by Buch, Kresch, and Tamvakis [BKTb, BKTa] Their formula expresses an arbitrary Schubert class as a polynomial in the special Schubert classes, it is defined by means of Young’s raising operators. The main result of this paper provides a formula expressing each double Schubert polynomial associated to the isotropic Grassmannians as a sum of Pfaffians whose entries are Wilson’s double theta polynomials corresponding to the special Schubert classes. This immediately leads to a proof of Wilson’s conjecture, because the raising operator formula can be rewritten as a Pfaffian sum by a formal computation. The only content which is not included in [IM15] is about a combinatorial description of the Bruhat order on a certain parabolic quotient of the type C Weyl group (Theorem 2.8)

Double Schubert polynomials
The k-strict partitions
Flag varieties of type C
Symplectic Grassmannian and its Schubert varieties
Double theta polynomials
Multi Schur-Pfaffian
Related results
Proof of Main Theorem
Key lemma
An alternative proof of Main Theorem
Full Text
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