
In current geotechnical seismic design practice, the empirical correlation between equivalent number of uniform cycles (Neq) of shaking and earthquake magnitude (Mw) forms an integral part of liquefaction potential evaluation. This relationship, in turn, is used to derive the magnitude scaling factors that are commonly used in field-based liquefaction evaluation procedures. The Neqversus Mwrelationship for liquefaction assessment was examined for fine-grained soils using time-histories in the range 5 < Mw≤ 9, especially including strong ground motion time-histories from the latest subduction zone earthquakes with Mw> 8.0. The experimental database available from cyclic direct simple shear tests conducted on natural fine-grained soils retrieved from undisturbed soil sampling was used to obtain the cyclic shear resistance weighting curves for the study. The work presented herein has contributed to further improving the current models used to represent magnitude scaling factor (MSF) values for large earthquake magnitudes and the functional dependency of this parameter on soil type. The MSF–Mwcurve derived for low-plastic Fraser River Delta silt lies in-between the MSF curves derived for clean sand and clay, resonating with the inferences that have been made that the silt behavior can neither be considered sand-like nor clay-like.

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