
Aluminium alloy (AA) 7085-T7452 is a high strength, low weight alloy used in large forgings in primary airframe applications. For corrosion protection, airframe components are anodised and this study looks at the influence of type 1C anodising on the fatigue crack growth behaviour in AA 7085-T7452 specimens that were fatigue tested with fighter wing spectrum loading. Surface etch pits formed during essential anodising preparatory processes were the primary cause of fatigue crack nucleation. The severity of the early crack growth caused by those etch pits that nucleated the worst crack in each specimen was evaluated using quantitative fractography-based fatigue crack growth measurements and the equivalent initial damage size (EIDS) of those etch pits was determined. Characterising the EIDS distribution of aircraft alloys with representative surface treatments is a fundamental input into Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) based fleet failure analysis of aircraft structures. In this study, a notable increase in the average EIDS value for the worst crack present was observed whenever material or loading condition changes led to a significantly increased number of crack nucleation sites. In particular, an increase in the cyclic stress spectrum’s severity increased the number of nucleation sites in a specimen and significantly increased the average EIDS. It appears that due to variable nucleating discontinuity properties (e.g. size, shape and orientation) and material property variations, an increased number of nucleation sites increases the probability that the worst crack present will nucleate at a location that is conducive for relatively fast early crack growth. This will potentially cause shorter overall airframe component fatigue lives and so both the mechanisms and conditions of etch pit fatigue nucleation in this material and material finish shall be discussed for the benefit of failure analysts evaluating unexpected fleet fatigue cracking.

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