
This continuing professional development module aims to elucidate the current demographics of anesthesiology in Canada and the experience of anesthesiologists from equity-seeking groups. This module will also identify and describe factors impacting the health care experience of patients from equity-seeking groups who receive perioperative, pain, and obstetric care. In recent years, discrimination based on sex, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, other demographic factors, and the intersection of these identities have gained greater attention not only in our society at large but also within medicine and anesthesiology. The stark consequences of this discrimination for both anesthesiologists and patients from equity-seeking groups have become clearer in recent years, although the full scope of the problem is not fully understood. Data regarding the demographics of the national anesthesia workforce are lacking. Literature describing patient perspectives of various equity-seeking groups is also sparse, although increasing. Health disparities impacting people who are racialized, women, LGBTQIA+, and/or living with disability are also present in the perioperative context. Discrimination and inequity persist in the Canadian health care system. It is incumbent upon us to actively work against these inequities every day to create a kinder and more just health care system in Canada.

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