
As the demand for plastics products has grown, waste plastics from plastics manufacturers and urban homes have increased. Plastics are so durable that they cannot be decomposed by Nature's action alone.Burning waste plastics produces soot, noxious gases and heavy metals, which raise secondary pollution problems.A thermal decomposing method is proposed as a future method of treating waste plastics, but it is still in the developmental stage at various companies. The thermal decomposing method aims to turn the hydrocarbon of plastics into useful resources in one form or another.Kawasaki Heavy Industries began researches on plastics treatment last spring, and has developed the dry distillation method which uses polyolefine resin, as solvent, in waste plastics containing polyvinylchloride.This method is designed to recover such valuable byproducts as chloric acid and liquid fuels without raising any pollution problems. It it called the poly-bath dry disti-llation process.

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