
This article investigates the equilibrium arrangement, self-assembly process, and subsequent curing of amphiphilic snowman-shaped Janus particles at the oil-water interface. The independent Janus particles are in vertical equilibrium state and the contact position of the oil-water interface is at the largest cross section of the particle’s hydrophobic phase. Under the effect of the surface tension and the adsorption of materials, Janus particles may form particle combinations including the particle pairs and the particle triangle, whose inner and outer sides have the liquid surface exhibiting completely opposite contact angles. Particle combinations form stable parallel double-chain structures with diverse shapes after the self-assembly process. However, the single Janus particles attain a state of mechanical equilibrium under the influence of surrounding particles, enabling them to assemble into regular array structures. The relationship of interfacial tension coefficient between phases can be changed by adjusting the oil-water system, which leads to variations in the self-assembly speed and the final arrangement results. The thin-film with uniformly distributed vertical particles is achieved by replacing the underlying deionized water with a curing agent. Based on the understanding of the interactions between irregularly shaped Janus particles at the oil-water interface, it will be convenient to achieve the controllable self-assembly and widely applications of these particles.

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