
Basic terms such as ‘phenomenon’, ‘event’, ‘state’, and ‘situation’ are defined for risk analysis and security needs. Other important terms include ‘equilibrium’ and ‘stability’ (as well as related terms ‘instability’ and ‘lability’). These terms can be found in both security and technical sciences as well as economics and social sciences. This paper generally defines and explains these key concepts across different disciplines and fields of human activity. Equilibrium states are known mainly from the field of physics—mechanics of solids. However, equilibrium states, stability and their changes are of great importance in the analysis of risks and safety, of various processes and objects in engineering practice (including automotive and other industry, commercial), but also in other areas of human activity. Steady state analyzes help to understand, define threats and risks and manage them effectively; improve the reliability, safety of technological and other components or units. The paper is mainly of a theoretical nature and originated in research within the security sciences. The paper redefines the concepts of equilibrium states, stability in the area of risk analysis and explains their importance for risk management. Impairing the stability of any object, subject or process can always become a dangerous risk that deserves our attention. The terms equilibrium states, stability belong to the basic concepts in the theory and practice of security sciences.

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