
Identifying gender-related inequities in gaining access to health services in the Colombian social health security system. A two-stage evaluation of the National Household Survey was made, before and after the Colombian health system reform was implemented. Socioeconomic,needs, access to health services and financing variables were identified. A descriptive analysis of the variables was made, they were re-codified and new variables created. Bivariate analysis was done, comparing some variables by means of Chi(2). Needs in health were felt more by women in both surveys. Differences between males and females in consultation for health problems were not significant in 1994; 73 % of the males and 81 % of the females were consulted in 2000 (p<0.0001). Regarding antecedents of having been hospitalised, the percentage of males and females using this service became reduced during 2000. Females used their own resources more as the source of financing services in 2000. People belonging to the 1st and 2nd quintiles used their own resources as financing source in terms of income levels. Comparing both periods, total consultations became increased (more rapidly in females). Females had greater access to consultation services in 2000. Gender-related inequities in financing health services have still persisted, even after the reform was implemented.

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