
This paper aims to describe the thermodynamic properties of the HFO-1234ze(E) with the molecular based BACKONE and PC-SAFT equations of state (EOS) that can be easily extended to mixtures. This paper also evaluates the accuracies of the BACKONE, PC-SAFT, and multi-parameter EOSs. For the data used in the construction of the EOS, the average absolute deviations (AAD) between experimental vapour pressures, experimental saturated liquid densities and values from the BACKONE EOS are 0.34% and 0.42%, respectively. The AAD between experimental vapour pressures, experimental saturated liquid densities and those from the PC-SAFT EOS are 0.16% and 1.51%, respectively. The AAD between predicted compressed liquid densities, predicted isobaric heat capacities, predicted pressures in gaseous phase from the BACKONE EOS and experimental data are 0.60%, 2.29%, and 0.99%, respectively. The AAD between predicted compressed liquid densities, predicted isobaric heat capacities, predicted pressures in gaseous phase from the PC-SAFT EOS and experimental data are 1.35%, 2.91%, and 1.84%, respectively. An independent investigation for data used in the construction of the multi-parameter EOS shows that the AAD between experimental vapour pressures, experimental saturated liquid densities, experimental densities in compressed liquid, experimental isobaric heat capacities, experimental pressures in gaseous phase and those from the multi-parameter EOS are 0.55%, 0.17%, 0.07%, 2.21%, and 0.11%, respectively. The BACKONE, PC-SAFT, and multi-parameter EOSs are used in the investigation of a refrigeration cycle using HFO-1234ze(E) as refrigerant for air-conditioning application. The study shows that the relative differences of all investigated characteristics calculated from thermodynamic properties from these EOSs are mostly within 1%. The thermodynamic properties of HFO-1234ze(E), HFO-1234yf, R-134a, R22, and R32 from the most accurate EOSs are used in the investigation of a refrigeration cycle. The results show that the cycle using R1234ze(E) as refrigerant has the highest coefficient of performance.

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