
In this paper, we consider the following problem involving fractional Laplacian operator:(1)(−Δ)αu=|u|2α⁎−2−εu+λuinΩ,u=0on ∂Ω, where Ω is a smooth bounded domain in RN, ε∈[0,2α⁎−2), 0<α<1, 2α⁎=2NN−2α, and (−Δ)α is either the spectral fractional Laplacian or the restricted fractional Laplacian. We show for problem (1) with the spectral fractional Laplacian that for any sequence of solutions un of (1) corresponding to εn∈[0,2α⁎−2), satisfying ‖un‖H≤C in the Sobolev space H defined in (1.2), un converges strongly in H provided that N>6α and λ>0. The same argument can also be used to obtain the same result for the restricted fractional Laplacian. An application of this compactness result is that problem (1) possesses infinitely many solutions under the same assumptions.

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