
We report a method to obtain the equation of state of Linear fused Hard Sphere Chain (LFHS) molecules at different bond lengths ( l ∗). It is shown that an equation of state of linear tangent hard sphere (LTHS) chain fluid can be transformed into an equation of state (EOS) of LFHS chain fluid by considering the correct chain length (m ∗). The validity of the method is tested by considering our newly proposed EOS for LTHS chain and with three more equations of state for 4 mers, 8 mers and 16 mers at l ∗ ≊ 0.3, for 8 mers at l ∗ = 0.5 and l ∗ = 0.6 and 6 mers at l ∗ = 0.5. We find a good agreement with simulation data. The second virial coefficient of LFHS chain for effective chain length (m ∗) also shows a good agreement with simulation data. We also report that the compressibility factor of long chain molecules, for example 200 mers, can be obtained by adding its segment's equations of state using SAFT-D theory.

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