
In his introduction to the Ashgate Research Companion to Multiculturalism , Ivison makes very clear that while multiculturalism (MC) or the "accommodation of cultural differences" concerns itself with the autonomy and freedom of groups, it especially focuses on individuals if individual 'freedoms' are curtailed by group cultural expectations. This perspective, however, reveals a bias toward only accommodating diversity that is compatible with the liberal ends of individual freedom and autonomy ("as well as thinking of ways of liberalizing currently illiberal practices") (p. 10) as defined by the cultural (usually western) majority. Any societal subculture or "group that violates their members' basic liberties, or prevents them from exercising their autonomy are not entitled to multicultural accommodation or protection" (p. 11). To be entitled to accommodation, groups need to respect individuals' basic rights and offer "informed and effective choices" (p. 15) under the protection of specific political forms that promote diversity while supervising/controlling actions such that no cultural value transgresses the liberal values of individual autonomy and freedom that MC purports to protect. The 'recognition' or the accommodation of cultural diversity (and not necessarily difference) is, for MC liberals, "connected to a rich sense of equality," an 'equality' that prescribes treating "like cases alike" (p. 7). However, this approach ignores structural inequalities (i.e. racism, sexism, classism) as these inequalities supposedly exist outside the cultural realm. This particular approach poses a false dichotomy between the cultural and material world, perpetuating a misunderstanding of culture as an epiphenomenon outside (or parallel to) the material world while also imposing similarity as the key element in equality , with the corollary that anything (values, beliefs, etc.) or anybody different is found wanting and therefore lesser (Scott 1988).

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