
Introduction: At the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK in March 2020, people with cystic fibrosis (pwCF) were placed in the ‘extremely vulnerable’ category and we cancelled all routine face-to face clinic appointments. We commenced virtual reviews as an innovative way of offering the service at our large adult CF centre (350 pwCF), and maintained this for most pwCF when shielding ended in August 2020. We now report on the initial impact of this system on patient engagement with physiotherapy. Method: We compared outpatient clinic contacts pre-COVID (01/01/2020–17/03/2020) with remote contacts during shielding (18/3/20–31/7/20) and also when shielding had ended (up to 30/9/20), specifically looking at physiotherapy input. Results: Pre-COVID, there were 324 face-to-face clinic visits, where 244 pwCF (75%) accessed a physiotherapist, 9 (3%) declined review, and in 71 (22%) cases it was not offered due to lack of capacity. During shielding, in 424 virtual clinics, 352 pwCF (83%) accessed a physiotherapist, 64 (15%) declined/did not access physio, and 10 (2%) were not offered review. Once shielding ended, in 281 virtual clinics, 234 pwCF (83%) accessed physio review, 45 (16%) declined/did not access review and 7 (3%) were not offered review. Conclusion: We found virtual clinics during the COVID pandemic a useful way of providing physiotherapy review for our pwCF, and indeed it helped improve capacity. The increased capacity and uptake after shielding ended suggests preference by pwCF for reviews in this way.

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