
In this study, a series of Na+ and12CO 3 2− containing apatites synthesized by a hydrolysis of octo-calciumphosphate (OCP) and dried at 25°C until constant weight, were examined with EPR after X-irradiation. A variety of different paramagnetic radicals was formed, giving rise to composite and hence complex EPR powder spectra. The spectra were successfully decomposed into their basic components using a multivariate statistical technique. The different components could be identified unambiguously. In this way, it was found that an O−, an O 3 − , a CO 3 − , two types of CO 2 − and two types of CO 3 3− ions were formed upon X-irradiation. Also resonances from atomic hydrogen were observed. The most striking feature is the presence of the ozonide ion, which is only rarely observed in irradiated hydroxyapatites. A comparison is made between the EPR spectra of apatite samples prepared by hydrolysis of OCP on the one hand, and those of samples prepared by hydrolyzing monetite, and the tooth enamel spectrum on the other hand.

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