
The most common helminthiasis of cattle is strongylidosis of the digestive organs. This group of animal helminthiasis is widespread in Ukraine and is caused by nematodes of the Strongylida suborder, among which nematodirosis occupies a leading place. Invasion leads to a decrease in productivity, the quality of the obtained products, barrenness of the broodstock, and deterioration of the growth and development of the young. Invasion of definitive hosts occurs mostly passively; by alimentary means, the invasive is the larva of the third stage. The work aimed to conduct monitoring studies of the epizootic situation regarding the spread of nematodirosis of cattle in the territory of Poltava region based on the results of the analysis of statistical data of the reporting documentation of the Main Department of the State Production and Consumer Service in Poltava region for 2018–2022. It was established that the extent of nematodirosis infestation in cattle ranged from 0.81 % (in 2020) to 5.30 % (2022), with the average extensiveness of the invasion for the studied period at 1.36 %. At the same time, the share of nematodirosis among other nematode diseases of cattle was 18.37 %. Among other nematodes, neoascarosis, bunostomosis, esophagostomosis, dictyokaulosis, and trichurosis were diagnosed in the territory of the studied region, the share of which ranged from 1.51 to 51.51 %. Among the invasive diseases of cattle registered on the territory of the Poltava region, the share of trematodes (fasciolosis, dicroceliosis, paramphistomatosis) in the general parasitic pathology is 85.51 %, protozoans (eimeriosis, babesiosis) and nematodes – 8.67 and 5.78 %, respectively, for cestodoses (moniasis) – 0.04 %. The obtained data from monitoring studies indicate the relevance of a more in-depth study of the spread of nematodirosis infestation among cattle in farms of the Poltava region, taking into account the nematode fauna, the characteristics of the infestation of animals of different age groups, in different seasons of the year, and as part of mixed infestations with other parasites.

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