
Parvovirus enteritis of dogs is the cause of a highly contagious acute disease of many carnivorous animals, which leads to severe gastroenteritis and myocarditis. Parvovirus infection is characterized by severe enteritis and vomiting, as well as dehydration, fever, leukopenia and diarrhea. The article presents data on the frequency of occurrence of the disease in dogs with parvovirus enteritis in Kostanay, the Republic of Kazakhstan. In order to assess the epizootological situation of parvovirus enteritis, the logs of registration of sick animals, the results of rapid tests for infectious diseases of dogs of private veterinary clinics of the city for the period from 2020 to 2023 were analyzed. The object of the study was dogs of different breeds and age groups. Data analysis has shown that parvovirus enteritis is the most common infectious diseases of dogs. It was diagnosed in 20.3% of veterinary clinic patients, in two forms of intestinal and myocarditis. The disease is seasonal. Infection of dogs with parvovirus occurs mainly in spring (35,6%) and autumn (37,8%). The analysis of the sex and age structure of patients with parvovirus enteritis indicates a greater susceptibility to the disease of puppies under the age of one year. 86% of patients belonged to this age group. Dogs get sick regardless of gender.

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