
The article analyzes the data for five years, from 2017 to 2021, the most common invasive diseases of agricultural and domestic animals. It was noted that in cattle, the extensiveness of infestation for fasciolosis decreased from 4.5% to only 0.5%, for dictyocaulosis from 2.9% to 0.2%, while strongylatosis became more frequent by 0.7% and trichocephalus by 1.2%. It was found that in small ru-minants dictyocausalosis occurred less frequently than in cattle. The rate of inva-sion by fasciolosis was decreased by 4%, by strongylosis - by 0,1%, the rate of trichocephalosis decreased from 1,9% to 0,2%. The incidence of ascariasis among pigs decreased from 0.55% to 0.2%, esophagostomosis from 0.2% to 0.1%. Among horses a marked decrease in the extensiveness of invasion by parascarido-sis from 8.7% to 8.3% is noted. The extensiveness of invasion of dogs has been determined as for dirofilariosis during five years it decreased from 3% to 0.9%, for toxocariasis and trichocephalosis from 61.7% to 15.7% and for pyroplasmosis it became more frequent by 26.1%. The region has established close work between the veterinary service and scientists of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, and courses are held annually to im-prove the skills of livestock workers. A system for monitoring and prophylaxis of carnivore dyrofilariosis has been developed jointly. The system offers routine, tar-geted monitoring of canine blood tests for dirofilariasis in the amount of at least 200 samples per year per subject. On a monthly basis, animal disease control sta-tions and inter-district veterinary laboratories submit information to the rehabilita-tion unit on the number of dogs inspected and found to be infected, with the names and addresses of their owners. The results are used to eliminate the source of infes-tation by microfilarial treatment of identified infested animals.

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