
Relevance. Bacterial kidney disease (BKD, corineal renal infection, Di disease), the causative agent of which is the gram–positive non-spore motionless bacterium Renibacterium.salmoninarum, is a common disease of salmon fish (Salmonidae), which causes significant damage to fish production in aquaculture and the development of the industry, as well as reduces the number of wild populations.The purpose of this review was to analyze the epizootic situation of bacterial renal disease (BKD) among wild salmon and fish populations in aquaculture on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in other countries.The article presents information on the incidence of BKD in the world and on the territory of the Russian Federation for the period 1933–2023, shows data on the spread of the disease among wild populations and farmed fish in aquaculture, describes possible transmission routes, native and suspected vectors of infection.Methods. The authors consider measures to control the growth of the incidence of BKD in the world and on the territory of the Russian Federation. Due to the lack of an effective vaccine and a method of treatment, the most affordable method of controlling the spread of the disease is timely diagnosis. The article describes the methods developed for fast and effective diagnostics by the staff of the Laboratory of Ichthyopathology of the FSC VIEV: microagglutination reaction (PMA) and polymerase chain reaction in real time (real-time PCR).Results. Unlike classical bacteriological methods, these reactions allow for the indication and identification of the causative agent of BKD within 24 hours.

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