
Coherent quantum devices play a central role in quantum science and engineering. Rare-earth ions such as erbium in solids feature numerous 4f- intra-shell transitions that are effectively shielded from their crystalline surroundings by closed outer shells, allowing for long spin coherence times and narrow optical transitions. Recent ensemble experiments have established the rare-earth doped crystals as the leading materials for optical quantum memories. However, the development of large-scale quantum devices based on rare-earth doped materials has remained a challenge. Here we describe a scalable quantum photonic platform based on epitaxially grown oxide thin films doped with trivalent ions on silicon substrates. The platform builds upon the recent developments of high quality epitaxial rare-earth doped oxides on silicon, and highlights the integration of quantum coherent materials with existing silicon technologies for ultimate device scalability. The proposed device platform builds upon our capability to epitaxially grow high quality, near-lattice-matched Y2O3 thin films on silicon. The epitaxial thin film is of high structural quality and offers several distinct advantages: (1) significantly less optical loss and better quantum emitter coherence; (2) atomic precision placement of rare-earth emitters (via delta doping) with respect to the photonic mode for controllable ion-photon coupling; (3) scalable top-down device fabrication using standard lithography and etching techniques; (4) heterogeneous integration with silicon takes full advantage of existing silicon photonics technologies for routing, tuning, and modulation of the quantum emission from rare-earth ions.

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