
PROF. DAWES HICKS and Mr. Adrian Coates agree in their decisive rejection of any form of subjective idealism and in their vigorous repudiation of an idealistic interpretation of physics. They both expend much trouble upon criticizing various forms of sensum or sense-data theories; they are both concerned to deny that a sense-datum is an object, and they seek to draw important conclusions from this denial. They diverge, however, so widely in their respective conceptions of, and methods of approach to, philosophical problems that, even when they reach the same conclusions, the grounds upon which their acceptance of these conclusions are based are entirely different. (1) Critical Realism: Studies in the Philosophy of Mind and Nature. By Prof. G. Dawes Hicks. Pp. xxiv + 346. (London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1938.) 15s. net. (2) A Basis of Opinion By Adrian Coates. Pp. xvii + 461. (London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1938.) 16s. net.

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