
Abstract The purpose of this study was to understand graduate and post-graduate EFL teachers’ epistemological beliefs based on the standardized English language and their beliefs on the NEST/NNEST dichotomy. In order to gain a deeper understanding two different group of teachers were formed consisting of graduate and post-graduate level of education. The aim was to understand whether or not the level of education affect EFL teachers’ beliefs based on the knowledge concept of standardized English and native speakerism. As a data collection methodology for this mixed methods research design, metaphors and the epistemological belief questionnaire (adapted from Hofer, 2000) were used. The results show that there was a significant difference between the two groups’ epistemological beliefs. While the post-graduate group was more critical about the issue, the graduate group of teachers seemed to highly accept the standardized language concept. The analysis of the metaphorical conceptions also supported the findings of the questionnaires.

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