
In much literature that discusses the existence of humans in the universe is always associated with the concept of human caliphate on earth and the concept of worship. The position of humans in the universe that is mandated as Khalifatullah Fi al-Ardh has a moral responsibility in carrying out the function of the caliphate. The relationship between humans and the universe, including human relationships with other humans, is not a relationship between the ruler and the mastered, but a relationship that has the same goal that is worth worship, namely obedience to God. Because even if humans are able to master, but it is not because of the strength they have, but it is caused by God who subdues it to humans. That is, leadership and human power must still be placed within the framework of human existence that is temporary, so that the tendency of leadership or power can be avoided, which can consequently damage the order of life.


  • In much literature that discusses the existence of humans in the universe is always associated with the concept of human caliphate on earth and the concept of worship

  • The position of humans in the universe that is mandated as Khalifatullah Fi al-Ardh has a moral responsibility in carrying out the function of the caliphate

  • Because even if humans are able to master, but it is not because of the strength they have, but it is caused by God who subdues it to humans

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Hakikat Manusia

What is a man? Pertanyaan ini seringkali diajukan ketika memulai membahas tentang filsafat.[8]. Pendidikan Islam tidak akanmempunyai paradigma yang sempurna tanpa menentukan konsep. Manusia memiliki delapan prinsip filosofis,[9] yaitu sebagai berikut: 1. Kemuliaan manusia atas makhluk lain adalah karena manusia diangkat sebagai khalifah (wakil) Allah yang bertugas memakmurkan bumi atas dasar ketakwaan.[11 3]. Manusia adalah makhluk berpikir yang menggunakan bahasa sebagai media.[12 4]. Nquib al-Attas, Konsep Pendidikan dalam Islam, Penerjemah: Haidar Baqir, Melalui hadist tersebut Islam sebenarnya ingin menunjukkan bahwa Islam tidak mengenal teori dosa asal/ waris yang memandang manusia sebagai makhluk berdosa sepanjang hidupnya.Baca Syed Sajjad Husein dan Syed Ali Ashraf,Menyongsong Keruntuhan. Delapan prinsip diatas dapat membantu penelusuran filsafat untuk menentukan konsep tentang hakikat manusia. Pembahasan yang dimaksud tidak dapat dilepaskan dari pandangan dunia Islam

Proses Penciptaan Manusia
Tujuan Hidup Manusia
Kedudukan dan Tugas Manusia
Potensi Manusia
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