
After a careful search for the etiology of episcleritis by the most thorough investigators, 1 we have concluded that many cases must be reported as cause unknown. The fact that a specific hypersensitiveness might often be the etiologic factor in patients suffering from episcleritis of the so-called idiopathic type was suggested by the following case. REPORT OF CASE F. S., a physician, aged 37, said that for ten or twelve years he had suffered every five or six months from eye symptoms characterized by a fairly sudden onset of photophobia, lacrimation and painful eyeballs. The duration of the attacks was from seven to fourteen days. We have never seen him with symptoms. However, he reports that while in school in the East he was studied by a number of ophthalmologists, all of whom made the same diagnosis; namely, episcleritis of unknown origin. His practice of medicine has been seriously interfered

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