
Deciduous forests with temperate broad‐leaved tree species are particularily important in terms of biodiversity and its protection, but are threatened habitats in northern Europe. Using multivariate analyses we studied the effect of forest site type, environmental variables and host tree properties on epiphytic lichen synusiae as well as on the composition of species‐specific functional traits. Epiphytic lichens were examined on Acer platanoides, Fraxinus excelsior, Quercus robur, Tilia cordata, Ulmus glabra and U. laevis in two types of forests: Humulus‐type floodplain forests and Lunaria‐type boreo‐nemoral forests on the talus slopes of limestone escarpment (klint forests). Klint forests located near the seashore were under greater maritime influence compared to floodplain forests located in inland Estonia which experience stronger air temperature contrasts. In addition to stand level and climatic variables, tree level factors (bark pH, trunk circumference and cover of bryophytes) considerably affected the species composition of the lichen synusiae. Overall, 137 lichen species were recorded, including 14 red‐listed species characteristic of deciduous trees. We defined 13 lichen societies and showed their preference to forests of a specific site type and/or host tree properties. In forests of both types, most of the epiphytic lichens were crustose, and had apothecia as the fruit bodies and chlorococcoid algae as the photobiont. However, the proportion of lichens with a foliose or fruticose growth form, as well as the proportion of lichens with vegatative diaspores, were higher in floodplain forests. In klint forests with a stronger influence from the wind, crustose species completely dominated, while species with vegetative diaspores were rare and most species dispersed sexually. Lichens with Trentepohlia as the photobiont were characteristic of these forests, and lichens with lirellate ascomata were prevailing, indicating the great uniqueness of the kint forests for epiphytic lichens in the boreo‐nemoral region.

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