
Epilepsy surgery is increasingly well-supported as an effective treatment for patients with intractable epilepsy. It is most often performed on younger patients and the safety and efficacy of epilepsy surgery in elderly patients are not frequently described. We report a case of a 75-year-old right-handed man who underwent a left fronto-temporal craniotomy for resection of a suprasellar meningioma in 2002. Immediately following hospital discharge, he began to experience complex partial seizures. He continued to have frequent seizures despite treatment with multiple combinations of antiepileptic medications. He presented with status epilepticus every two or three months, and required long periods of hospitalization on each occasion for post-ictal confusion and aphasia. Scalp EEG showed continuous spikes and polyspikes and persistent slowing in the left temporal area, as well as spikes in the left frontal area. EEG telemetry recorded multiple seizures, all with a clear focus in the left temporal area. MRI scan showed an area of encephalomalacia in the left temporal lobe, as well as post-surgical changes in the left frontal area. Neuropsychological testing showed bilateral memory impairment with no significant cognitive decline expected after unilateral temporal lobe resection. A left anteromesial temporal lobectomy was performed with intraoperative electrocorticography. Since surgery, the patient was not seizure-free (Engel class II-b), but had no further episodes of status epilepticus in one year and two months of follow-up. This is one of the oldest patients reported in the literature with epilepsy surgery and supports the possibility of epilepsy surgery in elderly patients for particular cases. In addition, few cases with such a malignant evolution of temporal lobe epilepsy have been described in this age group.

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