
Many chemicals and toxicants are released into our ecosystem and environment every day, which can cause harmful effects on human populations. Agricultural compounds are used in most crop production and have been shown to cause negative health impacts, including effects on reproduction and other pathologies. Although these chemicals can be helpful for pest and weed control, the compounds indirectly impact humans. Several compounds have been banned in the European Union but continue to be used in the United States. Recent work has shown most toxicants affect transgenerational generations more than the directly exposed generations through epigenetic inheritance. While some toxicants do not impact the directly exposed generation, the later generations that are transgenerational or ancestrally exposed suffer health impacts. Due to impacts to future generations, exposure becomes an environmental justice concern. The term "environmental justice" denotes the application of fair strategies when resolving unjust environmental contamination. Fair treatment means that no group should bear a disproportionate share of negative environmental consequences resulting from industrial, municipal, and commercial operations. This article illustrates how research on directly exposed generations is often prioritized over studies on transgenerational generations. However, research on the latter generations suggests the need to take environmental justice concerns seriously moving forward, as future generations could be unduly shouldering harms, while not enjoying benefits of production.

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