
The epidermoid cyst of the oral cavity is a benign developmental change without the presence of adjacent structures such as hair follicles, sudoriparous glands, or sebaceous glands. A 74-year-old female patient presented with a lesion on the lower lip that increases and decreases in size, with pruritus and no painful symptoms, which appeared about 1 year ago. In the intraoral examination a single, smooth, normochromic, oval, nodular lesion was found with clear borders, fibrous consistency, noninfiltrative, firm to palpation and painless, located in the left lower lip with size of 0.30 × 0.35 × 0.10 cm. The clinical diagnostic hypotheses were dermoid cyst and keratoacanthoma. An excisional biopsy was performed, and the sample was received for histopathologic examination. The examination report was compatible with epidermoid cyst. Its frequency in the labial region is very rare. The treatment is done by surgical excision, and recurrence is uncommon.

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