
Qualitative and some quantitative micromorphological characters of leaf blades, lemmas and paleas were examined using scanning electron microscopy for 29 species of Festuca subgenus Festuca, including the first observations on members of sections Amphigenes, Dimorphae and Cataphyllophorae. The aim of this study was to survey these features in the subgenus Festuca, to assess their taxonomical value. The observed patterns are compared with current taxonomic proposals based on molecular studies. The characters show important taxonomic value, mainly of the abaxial lemma. Characters showing the greatest variation are shape of long cells, shape of the periclinal walls, thickness of anticlinal walls, presence of prickles and abundance of silica bodies. The principal characters of the leaf-blade surfaces include the type and shape of short cells. Two different surface patterns were observed on the lemma, one, long cells rectangular to elongated, with flat to slightly convex periclinal walls and thickened anticlinal walls, for the sections Amphigenes and Dimorphae, and another, long cells rectangular to square, with concave periclinal walls and unthickened anticlinal walls, for the remaining sections. This study confirms the taxonomic value of micromorphological characters in the subgenus Festuca, and that abaxial lemma surface appears to be the most useful.

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