
The purpose ofthe work — to study the epidemiological factors in the development of primary and secondary intra-abdominal infiltrates, abscesses and fluid formations in patients with concomitant diseases and diabetes. Material and methods. In the clinic of the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1, on the basis of the Center of Surgery of the Kiev City Clinical Hospital No. 1 from 2006 to 2019,218patients with primary and secondary intra-abdominal infiltrates, abscesses and fluid formations were treated. The patients’ age ranged from 16 to 85 years. There were 107 male patients (49.08 %), 111 female patients (50.92 %). X-ray examination was performed in 112 (51.38 %) patients, computed tomography (CT) in 25 (11.48 %),ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs for 105 (4816 %) patients. Anterior abdominal wall thermometry was performed in 76 (34.86 %) patients. Resultsand discussion. Depending on the cause of the development of intra-abdominal infiltrates, abscesses and fluid formations, the patients were divided into 4 groups. Patients of the first, second and third groups had primary intra-abdominal complications, and in the fourth group patients had secondary postoperative complications. The first group included 74 (33.94 %) patients suffering from a complicated course of destructive appendicitis. The second group included 48 (22.02 %) patients suffering from perforated gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer. The third group included 69 (31.65 %) patients suffering from cholecystitis and various types of complications. The fourth group included 27 (12.39 %) patients who underwent urgent surgery due to strangulated hernias, adhesive obstruction. The study of the scales showed that: in 87 (39.91 %) the weight was within normal limits, and in 131 (60.09 %) patients were overweight and obese. It was found that 126 (57.80 %) patients wore glasses. Diseases of the cardiovascular system and arterial pressure disorders according to the data of case histories and anamnesis had 123 (56.42 %) patients. Diabetes was diagnosed in 38 (17.43 %) patients. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system were diagnosed in 27 (12.38 %) patients, and 48 (22.02 %) patients suffered from flat feet of various stages. Primary intra-abdominal complications(infiltrates and abscesses) were diagnosed in 191 (3.48 %) patients out of 5483 urgent hospitalizations and operations, of which 74 (1.35 %) with appendicitis, 69 (1.26 %), perforated gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer in 48 (0.87 %) patients. Secondary postoperative infiltrates, abscesses and fluid formations were found in 27 (18.12 %) of 149 patients who had undergone urgent abdominal surgery (adhesive obstruction, incarcerated and postoperative hernias, etc.), and in 29 (15.18 %) of 191 patients who underwent surgery for primary intra-abdominal complications of the underlying disease and urgent surgery. Diabetes mellitus was diagnosed in 38 (17.4 3%) patients, and therefore all patients who are hospitalized in an urgent and planned manner must undergo a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination with the determination of blood sugar. The presence of established diabetes mellitus requires the consultation of an endocrinologist, and during the operation it is advisable and necessary to correct glycemic and volemic disorders, which continues until the restoration of vital functions and stabilization of the general condition of the patient. Intra-abdominal complications occurred on the background of concomitant diseases: overweight in 28.44 %, visual impairment in 57.80 %, diseases of the cardiovascular system and arterial pressure disorders in 56.42 %, diseases of the musculoskeletal system in 12.38 %, which indicates the need for an individual approach in the treatment of each patient.


  • Depending on the cause of the development of intra-abdominal infiltrates, abscesses and fluid formations, the patients were divided into 4 groups

  • The first group included 74 (33.94 %) patients suffering from a complicated course of destructive appendicitis

  • The second group included 48 (22.02 %) patients suffering from perforated gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer

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Первинні та вторинні інтраабдомінальні інфільтрати, абсцеси та рідинні утворення мали 218 (6,75 %) хворих з 3228 ургентно прооперованих на органах черевної порожнини. За результатами власного дослідження встановлено, що первинні інтраабдомінальні ускладнення (інфільтрати та абсцеси) мали місце у 191 (3,48 %) хворого із 5483 ургентно госпіталізованих та прооперованих, з них при апендициті — у 74 (1,35 %), при холециститі — у 69 (1,26 %), при перфоративній виразці шлунка та дванадцятипалої кишки — у 48 (0,87 %).

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