
This work presents the epidemiology of dermatomycoses and their etiological agents of people living in the Lódź region, Central Poland, over the years 1987-1996. The analysis involved subjects referred by physicians to three major mycological laboratories in Lódź (covering the entire mycological diagnostics of the Lódź region). The study comprised a total of 25,737 persons aged 1-82. Positive results of mycological examinations were obtained for 14,084 (54.7%) patients. The total number of 14,295 positive mycological results included 6902 (48.3%) isolations of non-dermatophyte fungi. The non-dermatophytes included: Candida-like (69.8%), moulds (26.9%) and lipophilic yeasts (3.3%). The distribution of non-dermatophytes was characterized by dependence on sociodemographic features such as subjects' age, place of residence, education and occupation. Candida-like fungi are etiological factors of superficial infections of all clinical types whereas moulds were found to cause infections of finger and toe nails and periungual walls.

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