
Helicobacter pylori is one of the commonest bacterial pathogens in human. The organism is associated with development of peptic ulcer diseases, lymphoproliferative disorders and gastric cancer. Residence in a developing country, poor socio-economic conditions and genetic predisposition are regarded as risk factors. Prevalence of infection is higher in developing countries and re-infection is higher among under five children. It is transmitted mainly through feco-oral route in developing countries and gastro-oral route in developed nations. Transmission of 'close-contact infection' depends on the degree of mixing and age-distribution between susceptible and infected individuals. Host and bacterial factors with interaction of environment contribute pathogenicity. H. pylori cytotoxin-associated geneA (cagA), vacuolating toxinA (vacA) and adherence factors to gastric epithelium have been linked to enhanced pathogenicity of the bacterium. Host genetic polymorphism of cytokines, related legends, receptors and enzymes influence H. pylori infection.

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