
To elucidate detailed epidemiological profile of common types of anterior uveitis (AU) in real-world clinical setting of a tertiary facility in Japan, and to evaluate the characteristic clinical findings at initial presentation. Retrospective cohort study. Clinical charts of 275 patients (335 eyes) aged 52.5 ± 19.1 years were reviewed retrospectively. Herpetic AU was diagnosed by multiplex polymerase chain reaction tests using aqueous humor. Time of uveitis onset, gender, laterality, disease course since the initial onset of AU, visual acuity (VA) and intraocular pressure (IOP) at first visit, and definitive diagnosis were collected from clinical charts. Acute AU (AAU) was the most common (21.8%) form of AU; followed by herpetic AU (20.7%) comprising Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) (8.0%), Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) (9.1%) and cytomegalo virus (CMV) (3.6%); scleritis (13.5%); diabetic iritis (7.6%), and Posner-Schlossman syndrome (5.5%). Unilateral AU constituted 78.2%, and VA less than 20/30 accounted for 31.2%. Of all the eyes, 16.1% had an IOP higher than 20 mmHg, out of which 37.0% had herpetic AU, followed by scleritis in 25.9%, and Posner-Schlossman syndrome (PSS) in 11.1%. AU patients over 60 years of age were 40.4%, in which 34.2% had herpetic AU, followed by scleritis in 14.4% and AAU in 13.5%. Herpetic AU patients were significantly older and had higher IOP compared with AAU patients. The most frequent AU was AAU, followed by herpetic AU. Herpetic AU patients were older and had higher intraocular pressure than AAU patients, although VA was equally impaired in both groups.

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