
Five hundred nasal swabs were taken from normal medical staff and public in the city of Baghdad. Several identification parameters were used to recognize the bacterial isolates. S. aureus isolations form nasal swabs were identified using morphology and VITECK 2 system. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was employed to determine PVL (Panton–Valentine leukocidin ) gene in S. aureus. The data showed no significant evidence on the relationship between PVL gene presence and gender and age of the studied groups. There was no relation between the prevalence of PVL gene in the age groups of 21-30 years (p=0.328) and 31-40 years (p=0.682).
 The results showed that 38.4% and 37.5% S. aureus isolates were isolated from nurses working at Baghdad Teaching Hospital and AL-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, respectively, while, doctors, pharmacists, and radiology staff were negative (0.00%).
 There was no significant difference between hospital staff and community in AL-Karkh (p=0.838) and in AL-Rusafa (p=0.118).

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