
Preliminary studies were carried out on schistosomiasis in Giza Governorate for the last three years. These studies revealed that Tamwah village was one of areas afflicted by the highest number of Schistosoma haematobium infection cases. 'The study assessed the epidemiological situation of S. haematobium by parasitological and snail surveys. During April 2016, urine samples of 1285 children collected from three primary schools were centrifuged for microscopic examination. Also a snail survey was done along the shore (700m length). The snail were classified and examined for cercariae by light exposure and crushing. The results revealed that S. haematobiwn was 4.04% (52 cases). Majority were males (76.9% out of positive cases), with highly significant. There was a strong correlation between age of children and infection (44.2%) among oldest children (11 years) lowest (3.8%) was among the youngest group (6 years). Enterobius verinicularis ova in females' urine samples was 0.54% (7 cases). One was mixed infection with S. haematobium. The highest percentage among children infected with S. haematobium had pus cells 6- 30/HPF and RBCs less than 100/HPF in urine. There were crystals of uric acid, Ca oxalates and triple phosphate 5.8 %, 1.8% & 0.8% respectively. The snails were Lanistes carinatus, Bellamya unicolor, Physa micropleura, Succinia cleopatra, Cleopatra bulmnoides, Bulinus trancatus & Lymnaea natalensis. The commonest was B. trancatus followed by L. natalensis. Builinus spp. were positive for schistosomiasis -cercaria and Lymnaea spp were positive for virgulate xiphidiocercariae; parasites of bates, birds and amphibians.

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