
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are the most frequent source of nosocomial infections associated with the provision of medical care, especially in the presence of a catheter in the bladder. Objective : to assess the manifestations and risk factors of the epidemic process of catheter-associated UTI in patients of the urological Department of the «Altai regional hospital for war veterans» (ARHWV). Materials and methods . To determine the relationship between the incidence of UTI and catheter placement in patients treated in the urological Department of the ARHWV for 2017, 100 cards of inpatient patients with UTI treated in the urological Department of the ARHWV were analyzed. Results and conclusions . After assessing the epidemic process catheter-associated UTI in patients of the urological Department of the ARHWV made the following conclusions: 1. the incidence of UTI of the ARHWV has a connection with the procedure of bladder catheterization and can be interpreted as cases of infections associated with the provision of medical care because all observed patients underwent bladder catheterization procedures in the conditions of the urological Department of the ARHWV; 2. it is necessary to carry out a microbiological analysis of urine of isolated pathogens to all patients who undergo the procedure of bladder catheterization because the share of microbiologically confirmed symptomatic UTI is high (35,9%).

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