
Objective: As a part of the Epidemiological Survey of Cardiovascular Diseases in Different Regions of the Russian Federation, we estimated the prevalence of the basic cardiovascular risk factors and its associations with sociodemographic factors in the large region of Eastern Siberia. Design and method: With the multistage randomization, we enrolled 1603 inhabitants of our region aged 25–64. Each study participant underwent a detailed questionnaire, office blood pressure monitoring, anthropometry, and blood analysis (lipid spectrum, glucose, and uric acid levels). Results: In 49.4% of people, we found hypertension. Smoking was present in 28.4% of the population. The borderline blood glucose levels (5.6–5.9 mmol/l) was found in 25.7% of all cases and 7.3 % of people had diabetes mellitus. Table 1 shows the group disparities of the risk factors prevalence.Conclusions: The percentage of hypertension, dyslipidemia, and hyperglycemia increased in older age while smoking was more prevalent in younger people. Females had a larger percentage of obesity while males had a higher prevalence of hyperuricemia and hyperglycemia. The higher education level was associated with a significantly lower prevalence of risk factors.

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