
The subject of this article is the Epic of Manas, which is the eternal heritage of the Kyrgyz people. The purpose of the study is to identify trends in the application of the values of the Epic of Manas in the education of modern youth, the formation of intellectual, spiritual and vocabulary through the study of Kyrgyz culture, ethnography, ethnopedagogy, reflected in this epic. The article consists of three informational parts pointing to the historical value of the epic, its place in the modern world and its role in the upbringing and educational process. The article mentions the value of the epic by many historical figures, thinkers, philosophers and scientists, gives an approximate definition and interpretation of the word Manas from the Theosophical Dictionary. The authenticity of the personality of Manas is being discussed, scientists indicate the reasons and grounds for the origin of the epic from ancient times to the 19th century. Some scientists indicate the reasons for the emergence of the Epic of Manas, as one of the greatest phenomena of the oral story of the epic, passed from mouth to mouth and the incredible ability of a person to remember such a huge amount of information, which in truth many scientists consider an ocean of knowledge. From which you can extract so much information that is considered relevant in various fields of knowledge to this day. It is indicated, however, that many traditions from that time have been preserved and are still used, which is one of the cultural heritages of the Kyrgyz. In preparing the article, analytical and scientific methods of generalization and comparison of studies were used. The place of our great epic in world literature was also considered. The Epic of Manas talks about the preservation and upbringing of our valuable heritage. The scientific results of the article will be presented in secondary schools and universities.

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