
Light- and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry (LM-ICC and EM-ICC) were used to visualize luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) in fibres associated with ventricular ependyma and tanycytes of the median eminence. LM-ICC suggests that LHRH fibers appear to enter the third ventricle. However, with EM-ICC, LHRH fibers are in fact found within ependymal canaliculi formed by adjacent ependymal cells. The canaliculi contain other myelinated and unmyelinated axons in addition to immunoreactive LHRH fibers. Thin slips of ependymal and tanycyte processes project into the canaliculi and enclose axons to varying degrees. At the median eminence many LHRH fibers bend sharply downwards from their ventricular course and travel with tanycytic processes towards their common destination - the perivascular space of the hypophysial-portal vascular system. Here, EM-ICC reveals that LHRH fibers closely contact basal processes of tanycytes. Lateral processes from tanycytes form glioplasmic sheaths which surround some individual LHRH fibers. A few LHRH terminals contact the perivascular space directly but more often are separated from the perivascular space by intervening glia. It is hypothesized that: (1) glia of this region responds to the physiological state of the animal and may determine the degree of LHRH secretion by varying the extent of glial investment of LHRH terminals; and (2) may play a role during development by providing direction and support for LHRH fibers similar to that described for radial and other glial cells.

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