
Abstract Aims TACO is defined as acute or worsening respiratory compromise during or up to 12 hours of transfusion, with additional features including cardiovascular system changes not explained by the patient’s underlying medical condition. In the UK, TACO remains a major cause of Morbidity in surgical post operative patients. The aim of this audit was to assess whether the current trust transfusion practices are synchronous with the NICE guidelines and SHOT recommendations. Methods We reviewed 27 incidences of transfusion during the whole month in acute general surgical ward. Patient’s notes, trust intranet and EPMA were used for data collection. The adherence to Ng24 as well as latest SHOT recommendations was checked. Following standards were taken into account: A formal pre-transfusion risk assessment for transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO) should be undertaken for all patients receiving blood transfusion and mitigating actions taken. (Serious hazards of transfusion SHOT recommendation) Patients who develop respiratory distress during or up to 24 hours following transfusion where transfusion is suspected to be the cause must be reported to SHOT. A structured incident review should be undertaken for every case of TACO. Weight-adjusted red cell dosing should be used. (NICE Guidelines Ng24) Result TACO assessment checklist was only completed for 15% of transfusions (compared to 35% nationally) while mitigation actions were only considered for 4% of patients. There appeared discordance among junior doctors regarding TACO Management. Conclusions Interventions like teaching sessions, information leaflets and posters, presentation for induction pack and liaison with Transfusion practitioner team to modify transfusion pathway significantly reduced inconsistencies regarding safe transfusions and immensely improved patient management.

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