
To establish new standards fetal biometry and growth curves for Indian population. 11567 patients were included in the present study to measure BPD(Biparital diameter), HC (Head circumference), AC (Abdominal circumference), FL (Femur length) and EFW (expected fetal weight). Statistical analysis has been performed using MS excel 2010. Data analysed as recommended by Altman, Chitty and Royton. For each measurement, polynomial regression models were fitted separately to estimate the mean and standard deviation (SD) as functions of gestational age. The SD was modelled via the absolute residuals from the regression to estimate the mean. We have developed fetal biometry for Indian population that can be utilised for clinical practice or fetal size and fetal grow Centile Trendline Equation BPD 1sty = -0.0013x3 + 0.0083x2 + 3.383x + 11.9620.9997, 5thy = -0.0014x3 + 0.0114x2 + 3.3853x + 12.9750.9998, 50thy = -0.0013x3 + 0.0094x2 + 3.4777x + 15.5430.9998, 95thy = -0.0014x3 + 0.013x2 + 3.5186x + 18.0160.9999, 99thy = -0.0014x3 + 0.0106x2 + 3.5725x + 19.1240.9998. Centile Trendline Equation AC 90thy = -0.0046x3 + 0.1042x2 + 11.047x + 54.697 50thy = -0.0037x3 + 0.0711x2 + 10.93x + 48.511 10thy = -0.0027x3 + 0.038x2 + 10.812x + 42.325, 5thy = -0.0026x3 + 0.0326x2 + 10.755x + 40.787, 3rdy = -0.0023x3 + 0.0225x2 + 10.757x + 39.426, 1sty = -0.002x3 + 0.0109x2 + 10.715x + 37.251. Centile Trendline Equation for HC R-squared: 1sty = -0.0049x3 - 0.0029x2 + 13.39x + 45.230.9999,5thy = -0.0048x3 - 0.01x2 + 13.584x + 48.3310.999,950thy = -0.0039x3 - 0.057x2 + 14.444x + 54.3260.9998. Centile Trendline Equation FL 1sty = -0.0006x3 - 0.0089x2 + 3.0605x + 1.6256 5thy = -0.0006x3 - 0.0088x2 + 3.0746x + 2.5481 10thy = -0.0007x3 - 0.0062x2 + 3.0599x + 3.1166 50thy = -0.0007x3 - 0.003x2 + 3.0591x + 4.934. For better diagnosis of fetal growth related problems, we have developed fetal biometry and growth curves for the Indian population to prevent over-diagnosis of intrauterine growth retardation, under diagnosis of fetal macrosomia and correct prediction of fetal age in Indian population. Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.

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