
Eosinophils (Eo) participate in the inflammatory response to parasites, allergins, toxins, and epitopes recognized by autoimmune antibodies. Nonetheless, little attention has heretofore been paid to the interactions of Eo with extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins during their migration through the subendothelial basement membrane and into the surrounding tissue. Therefore, we have studied the adhesion of Eo to specific ECM proteins and the effect of this adhesion on Eo viability and maturation. Control Eo (from normal donors) adhere no better to substrates coated with laminin (LM), fibronectin (FN), cytotactin (CT), or collagen types I or IV (Col IV) than they do to human serum albumin coated substrates. In contrast, Eo activated in vitro with IL-5 or in vivo in patients with eosinophilia bind well to LM, FN and Col IV. LM is by far the most avid ligand among these molecules. For example, 43% of input cells bind to a substrate bearing 200 fmol/cm2 of LM; a similar level of adhesion to FN requires 30 times as much absorbed protein. Antibody inhibition experiments suggest that the alpha 6 beta 1 integrin heterodimer is the predominant LM receptor on these cells. Flow cytometry showed similar levels of these subunits on control and activated Eo, suggesting that Eo adhesion to LM is not regulated simply by cell surface integrin concentration. The effects of ECM proteins on Eo behavior were also examined. A LM-coated substrate (with no added cytokine) was found to be almost as effective as IL-5 in maintaining Eo viability while an equally adhesive FN-coated substrate had much less effect. Normally, even in the presence of 10% serum, no Eo survive a 5-day incubation in vitro unless IL-3, IL-5, or GM-CSF is added to the medium. Conditions that inhibit adhesion to LM (anti-integrin antibodies in the medium or CT on the substrate) and certain anti-cytokine antibodies inhibited the promotion of Eo viability by LM. During incubation on LM, Eo become hypodense, as they do in the presence of IL-5, indicating that they have become activated. These observations suggest that the interactions of Eo and ECM proteins may be important both for their potential to direct Eo migration and for their ability to regulate Eo viability, cytokine production, and maturation.

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